These are some of the questions we are asked about Biotta juices. Hopefully, they will answer some of the questions you have. If not, we’d love to hear from you (contact).
Yes, in addition to being Swiss organic and EU organic, all Biotta juices are now recognized as USDA organic as a result of the U.S.–Swiss organic equivalency agreement announced in July 2015.
Organic foods are made according to specific growing and production standards. The use of conventional non-organic pesticides, insecticides and herbicides is greatly restricted and avoided. Before a product can be labeled ‘organic,’ a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet organic standards. In addition, the manufacturing facility is carefully inspected to ensure strict standards are adhered to.
Organic farming uses natural fertilizers and crop rotation to minimize insects and diseases and maximize the soil health. This reduces external influences that could compromise the purity of the harvest and eliminates synthetic pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. It places a strong focus on renewable resources and protecting the environment.
Grown on more than 1,700 acres of chemical-, fertilizer- and toxic-free land, our vegetables and fruits are field-/vine-ripened and are processed in a strict, quality controlled manufacturing environment.
GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering). This experimental technology merges DNA from different species, creating non-natural combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that cannot occur in nature or in traditional crossbreeding.
The Non-GMO Project is an independent, non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices. Their seal indicates that a product has gone through the verification process, which is an assurance that a product has been produced according to consensus-based best practices for GMO avoidance.
All Biotta Juices are Non-GMO Project Verified.
Many Biotta juices are an excellent or good source of Potassium. Potassium is essential for the body’s growth and maintenance.
Biotta juices have a long shelf life. At any point prior to the “best before” date stated on the bottle, you can open a bottle of our organic vegetable or fruit juice and experience fresh-from-the-field flavor and nutritional value. Biotta juices are sealed in tamper-evident glass bottles and do not require refrigeration until opened. Because our juices do not contain preservatives, bottles that have been opened should be refrigerated and consumed within 7 days.
Many companies manufacture their juice by dehydrating and condensing, which creates a “concentrated” juice product. To make “reconstituted juice,” either the consumer or the manufacturer needs to add water back in to dilute the concentrated juice.
Often times sugars, flavors or preservatives are added to concentrated juice when it is reconstituted, making it a less-healthy alternative to 100% juice.
The standard serving size, as defined by the FDA, is 8oz of juice (one cup).
One to two cups of Biotta juices a day have been shown to have a significant impact on health and wellness. To learn more about the health benefits provided by each of our juices, visit one of our products pages by clicking on a bottle above. Remember, Biotta vegetable and fruit juices provide 1-2 servings of your daily recommended vegetables and/or fruits per bottle.
The dark carotenes of beet juice may give your urine and bowel movements a red color. This color change is harmless.
Since beets are high in oxalates, people who tend to make oxalate kidney stones may want to avoid beet juice.
Sediment contains many beneficial properties, such as phytonutrients – natural chemicals contained in plants, which have been scientifically proven to provide health benefits. In order to retain the highest possible quantity of vital nutrients, sediment is an essential part of the juice. For this reason, Biotta juices are not enhanced or clarified (sediment filtering). Sediment is a sign of juice in its natural state.
Biotta recommends shaking the bottle vigorously before consuming.
Biotta’s attention to quality throughout the manufacturing process is critical to delivering the best juice.
We focus on one basic principle throughout our process: the fewer the processing steps and the lower the temperature, the higher the nutritional value of the juice.
Rather than pressing the juice, which can damage the vegetable or fruit and its nutrients, Biotta uses decanting. This short process of centrifugation is used to gently remove the liquid from the vegetable or fruit. Decanting allows maximum nutrition to be maintained in all of Biotta’s juices.
The process of fermentation allows foods to safely stay edible longer. Lactobacillus bacteria are present on the surface of all plants and have the ability to convert sugars into lactic acid. These bacteria convert lactose or other sugars quickly and easily to lactic acid, which is a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.
Beyond preservation advantages, lacto-fermentation also increases or maintains the vitamin and enzyme levels, as well as digestibility, of the fermented food.
Biotta’s gentle pasteurization method heats the juice quickly and at a lower temperature, and then cools it down immediately, allowing for greater retention of nutrients while killing harmful pathogens, like E. coli. The longer the pasteurization process and the higher the temperature, the greater the damage to the juice and the vitamins it contains. Because of that, our juices are pasteurized at an average temperature of 198° F, while many other juices are sterilized at over 250° F.
Juices that are unpasteurized have a shorter shelf life and are more susceptible to being contaminated by harmful microorganisms.
Glass is completely tasteless and provides the best product protection and ensures non-gas-permeability. This means external, undesired elements (such as oxygen) cannot get into the product, and nothing is able to escape from the bottle (flavor). This allows for full retention of flavor, content and aroma. With glass bottling, there is no migration of packaging materials into the product, as can happen with plastic or aluminum, having negative effects on product quality.